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El Boldo Park

Type: Master plan, infrastructure conservation park
Year: 2012
Location: Zapallar, V region
Collaborator architects: Gonzalo Arteche and Javier Lorenzo
Client: Parques para Chile and Corporación Bosques de Zapallar

El Boldo Park (70 ha.) is a private protected area, managed by the Corporación Bosques de Zapallar with the support of the Parques para Chile and The Nature Conservancy.

Our commission was to design the access area on which most of the infrastructure and intensive uses of the park are concentrated.

From a neighboring urbanization, the area receives channeled rainwater that connects with a ravine that crosses this land, with an average slope of 40° and covered with native species. The building area, according to the regulations, concentrates on the area in which the water crosses the ravine, adding complexity to the decisions of landscape architecture. Considering those characteristics, ecological functions had to be incorporated into the structures, in order to reduce the impact to the natural ecosystem.

IThe design called for a system of horizontal platforms that climbs the hillside adapting to the curvature of hills, through containments, which are designed incorporating the following ecological functions: flexibility in the layout (protection of existing flora); permeability and infiltration; rainwater (erosion control, rainwater harvesting); visual impact; cutting and filling.