Type: Contest for art and sculture museum
Year: 2013
Loaction: Las Condes
Area: 4.000 m2 Collaborator architect: Javier Lorenzo
To articulate the proposal, we chose two typologies of the Chilean and Latin American collective unconscious, linked to the built environment and the natural environment. People can identify with the forms at the collective cultural level and at the same time, project their experiences on the forms.
The first typology, linked to the built environment, abstracted from the typologies that are repeated in pre-Hispanic art, architecture, ceramics and urbanism, transgressing scale and dimensions.
This typology is called "bracket", constituting a module, which when grouped into two, three or more, forms labyrinthine spaces. It is used as an element of landscape organization at site level. There was algo sub spaces built, which are connected labyrinthically, intertwining with the interior space of the building and responding to the neighborhood scale, fragmenting the site and hosting urban and ecological programs simultaneously.
The second typology, linked to the natural environment, was abstracted from the forms of the Andes mountain, a geographical landmark that surpasses national boundaries. In addition, the site is located near the mountains, which connects the proposal with the territorial scale. This form is abstracted as a sculptural element, not as a module.
The abstracted forms of the Andes mountains, fuse with the "brackets" to conform the spatiality of the building for the pavilion. The result of this fusion is a space surrounded by a sculptural mantle that evokes the greatness and complexity of the Andes mountains, containing and framing the square brackets that are the shapes that recall the simplicity and purity of the geometric shapes. Same ones used by man throughout history in his quest to contain and control the forces of nature. From this perspective, the project aims to talk about our humanity and how to live the territory.